In partnership with Athens Area Habitat for Humanity, Lydia’s Place opened a 4 unit building called Lydia’s Homeplace. Each unit has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. Each of our locations also houses a liaison. This team member helps keep our students accountable for living according to our guidelines. They are provided a free apartment. Students are placed at the discretion of the Student Services Committee.
Lydia’s Place has a total of 15 bedrooms in the Athens area to house students.
Student housing allows us to meet basic needs as students begin their path to living independently. All housing is located in Athens with central locations to allow students access to the bus route allows us to assist students at Athens Tech, The University of Georgia, The University of North Georgia – Oconee Campus and Foothills Charter School.
This ministry helps us overcome many obstacles for young adults, such as co-signers, deposits, fees, and high-rent costs.
We seek to demonstrate God’s love by providing basic needs during the transition to independent living.